The Greatest Cause of Division: from a Quote by Ibn TaymiyyahAqidah Shaykh Al-Islām explains to those who claim to follow him what truly causes divisionPublished On21 Sha‘bān 1446Read more →
The Hinderers of Spreading MercyAqidah Refutations Critiques of Modernity A warning about those who hinder the spread of mercy under the guise of tolerance, compassion and mercy.Published On29 Rajab 1446Read more →
Refuting the “eccentricity” fallacy from the words of Shaykh BābṭainRefutations Refuting the accusation that Muḥammad ibn ʿAbdul-Wahhāb claimed what no one else claimed and forbade what was not forbidden in the entire world!Published On23 Rajab 1446Read more →
Do we have the right to ban Ḥanafī books for this extreme takfīr?Refutations Double standards worth highlighting after the Ṭālibān's ban of “Kitāb at-Tawḥīd” by Muḥammad ibn ʿAbdul WahhābPublished On20 Rajab 1446Read more →
The bait of Satan that takes them out of the FiṭrahCritiques of Modernity The danger of the search for excessive prosperity or what they call the “welfare state” or the earthly paradise.Published On19 Rajab 1446Read more →