Did the Sahaba speak about Sifat? A refutation of Yasir Qadhi's ramblingsAqidah Refutations Did the Companions speak about Allah's attributes? — We refute a recurrent claim, recently made by Yasir Qadhi, that the Salafi creed concerning the attributes of Allah was not expressed by the Companions.Published On17 Jumādā ath-Thāniyah 1446Read more →
Do we have the right to ban Ḥanafī books for this extreme takfīr?Refutations Double standards worth highlighting after the Ṭālibān's ban of “Kitāb at-Tawḥīd” by Muḥammad ibn ʿAbdul WahhābPublished On20 Rajab 1446Read more →
Can we “Worship Allāh & Build Civilization?”Critiques of Modernity Refutations Refuting a modern trend of overemphasizing worldly achievements while simultaneously separating them from what Allāh commanded us to do.Published On6 Rajab 1446Read more →